Hickory Furniture Considerations

Hickory trees yield some of the hardest wood that is used to make fine furniture. If you would like to add a rustic touch to your home's interior, choose some hickory products that will stand out and contain unique patterns and wood grain features.

Sapwood Or Heartwood

Sapwood is the layer of wood that is directly under the bark of a tree. This wood layer is noted for its light, creamy tone. Heartwood is the layer of wood that is located near the center of a tree. This layer of wood is noted for its reddish, brownish hue.

A set of hickory chairs that contain one wood variety or a mixture of sapwood and heartwood will provide you with a sitting area that is truly unique. Some furniture dealers handcraft hickory pieces. They may use a color chart, sizing variables, and upholstery details to create one-of-a-kind pieces. A rocker or another prominent chair type that will be used daily can have hand-stitched cushions, armrests, or other comfort features added to it.

The Manufacturing Process

A reputable furniture company that features hickory furnishings will outline its manufacturing process. They may have each piece of furniture constructed on-site or off-site. To determine the quality of a particular furnishing, hardware should lay flush along the adjoining wood pieces. Wood pieces should each contain a finely-sanded surface that is smooth to the touch. A furniture dealer may sell unfinished and finished hickory furnishings. If you enjoy home projects that showcase your attention to detail, you may want to invest in a hickory chair and table set that contains unfinished wood. Once you get the new furnishings into your home, you will have the opportunity to stain and seal each piece of wood that comprises the pieces of furniture. If you are interested in using your furniture right away and don't have the patience or time to treat wooden surfaces, select furnishings that have been finished in their entirety. 

A hickory furnishing that has been properly sealed and stained will maintain its appearance. Preserving agents will keep your new furniture in excellent shape throughout the course of ownership. A hickory furniture set may come with a warranty, which will state how long you can expect a hickory piece to maintain its value. If a furniture dealer offers repair services, you can have your hickory pieces upgraded or maintained whenever you would like them to be serviced.

For more information on hickory chair furniture, contact a furniture company in your area. 
